Head Teacher, Tarlina is providing an opportunity to train 1:1 or 2:1 at your residence on the Peninsula, or online. Relax, unwind, reconnect to breath and based on your individualised goals towards exploring your practise, have classes designed with an attentiveness for what you are requiring to help you take your practise to the next stage of evolution.



Suitable for all levels.  Hatha is at the heart of the physically focused expression of Yoga, and with our practice is alignment-oriented, emphasizing the forms and actions within each yoga posture. Traditional asanas are held in accurate alignment. Emphasis is placed on core strength, flexibility and balance as well as concentration and breath control. This class is based on joint mobility, postures, deep breathing, mindfulness and listening to the body.

Slow flow

Suitable for all levels A restful practice which offers a slower paced, flowing sequence of movements, and requires prop-supported postures. This is recommended as a perfect beginning yoga class that is approachable for those working through injury, limited mobility or for those who are new to the practice of yoga. This practice enables time for adjustments, and to build confidence with each foundational asana to the Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa flow

Suitable for all levels. Vinyasa classes are aimed to become a moving meditation that mindfully integrate movement and breath, this Vinyasa class is aimed at the seasoned beginner and for people who are ready to expand their yoga practice.  These classes begin to encourage practitioners to explore getting upside-down and may incorporate some arm balances and deeper backbends. We recommend that students seeking to take these classes feel confident, safe, and strong throughout classic sun salutations.


Suitable for all levels.  Yin yoga is inspired from Chinese Medicine and focusses on promoting the flow of Qi energy through the meridians of the body. The practice involves postural holds between 1-5 minutes and are supported through using many props to reduce effort to hold each pose.  This practice nourishes joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia. This class complements your Vinyasa Practise and will provide deep, moments for stillness, while providing opportunities for release.  Balance our busy yang-styled lifestyles with a practice that is ideal for sporty people who don’t stretch enough.


Meditation is an integral part of the developing as a Yoga practitioner, and if there is simply an interest in building more of a mindful foundation. An approachable series of meditation techniques are taught, offering 30 minute introductory guided meditations, for beginners right through to experienced practitioners. if you’re looking for a way to de-stress, feel more at ease, and hone in on focus, concentration, and building a more resilient and happy you.